Short description

Picture this: Company A, Company B, and the Nigerian government walk into a bar... just kidding, they’re actually negotiating a high-stakes joint venture. The mission? To create a swanky international business complex in Nigeria that’s part logistics hub, part office paradise, and part conference wonderland. This place will be the ultimate hotspot for global trade and investment. Here’s the twist: Company A has the golden ticket (a.k.a. the solution) and is ready to sell it to Company B, who’s got the deep pockets to fund this grand venture. The Nigerian government is ready to ink the deal with Company B, but only after getting a nod from Company A, who’s got some serious sway with the powers that be. In short, it’s a three-way dance where everyone’s got a role to play, and the endgame is a business complex that’ll put Nigeria on the international trade map. Let the negotiations begin.   

Duration: 2 on-line sessions (weeks of 7 and 14 October) previous to a full week of exchange on campus (from October the 21th till October the 25th). 

Learning outcomes

Hey there, future business leaders! Ready to dive into the world of international negotiations? Here are some key skills you'll need to help build an amazing international business complex in Nigeria. Don't worry if you don't master them all yet; just get familiar with these concepts. They'll be super useful! 

Get ready to rock those negotiations and help make this international business complex a reality! 

Hard skills

  • Business Strategy and Planning: Learn how to create a solid business plan that works for everyone involved.
  • Financial Analysis: Get good at reading financial statements, checking if investment projects make sense, and understanding the money side of different negotiation options.
  • Legal Risks Awareness and Negotiation: Know the basics of negotiation, be aware of legal risks, and learn how to follow the rules and reduce these risks.
  • Cross-Cultural Competence: Understand and respect cultural differences and learn how to communicate well with people from different backgrounds during negotiations.
  • Business Communication: Improve your B2-level English skills to share ideas clearly, write reports, and give great business presentations. 

Soft skills

  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Work well with others, think critically, and find win-win solutions to tough problems during negotiations.
  • Relationship Building: Build and keep good relationships with everyone involved, understand their needs, and create trust and rapport.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: Be flexible with changes, stay strong when things get tough, and be ready to change your negotiation plans if needed. 

Target and requirements

The week is intended for students who are familiar with the soft and hard skills mentioned here above.


Effective verbal and non-verbal communication to articulate thoughts and proposals clearly and persuasively across languages and cultures.

Active listening

Paying close attention to the concerns, interests, and needs of all parties to build trust and rapport.

Emotional intelligence

Recognizing, interpreting, and responding to the emotions of others and managing your own emotions to maintain a constructive negotiating atmosphere.


Identifying, analyzing, and addressing challenges creatively by developing mutually beneficial solutions for all parties involved.


Evaluating options and making informed decisions that respect the interests and limitations of all parties.


Adjusting strategies and tactics on the fly in response to emerging issues, shifting priorities, or new information.

Interpersonal skills 

Building and maintaining positive relationships with counterparts from different business and cultural backgrounds.

Collaboration and teamwork

Working together effectively by leveraging the collective strengths and knowledge of different parties to achieve common goals.

Conflict resolution

Identifying, addressing, and resolving conflicts in a manner that fosters mutual understanding and cooperation.

Cultural sensitivity

Recognizing and appreciating the cultural differences between parties, and adapting negotiation approaches accordingly to create a respectful and inclusive environment.

Practical information


BIP = Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (possibilities to get European fundings for non-Belgian students – please contact your International Office for further information)

Non-Belgian and eligible students will automatically be considered BIP participants.   

Price - 290€

This fee includes:   

  • Meals (breakfasts, lunches and 1 supper)
  • Accommodation from 20 to 25 October (5 nights)
  • Social programme and material     

Invoices will be sent individually to the students unless otherwise specified by the partnering institution.

Registration before 20 September 2024

Register here

Please send an email to if you need to modify/cancel your booking. No refunds will be made if cancellations are communicated later than 20 September 2024. 



Dates and location: 

  • Online sessions: 7 and 14 October 2024 
  • On-campus sessions: 21-25 October 2024 - University College Ephec, Brussels (Campus Woluwe), Belgium 

Online Sessions

Week of 7 Oct

Instructions presentation (live session) + explanations on the remote work (nego master class) 

Week of 14 Oct

Master class on financial plan basics (incoterms and risk management in international payments) 


Monday 21 Oct

Stage 1 of Negotiation Process : Preparation 


Tuesday 22 Oct

Stage 1 of Negotiation Process : Preparation (cont)


Wednesday 23 Oct

Stage 2 of Negotiation Process: Information exchange


Thursday 24 Oct

Stage 3: Bargaining


Friday 25 Oct

Stage 4: Closing



A question about pedagogical content? Send an email to Mathilde CALLARI

Other? Send an email to 


EPHEC will book the accommodation for students from foreign institutions (included in the 290€ registration fees) for 5 nights from 20 to 25 October 2024. Name and address of the hotel will be communicated later.

Included in the price: Breakfast, bed linen and towels

Type of room: shared rooms or dorms

Check in / Check out: Check in is generally from 15:00 and check out until midday but this will depend on the hotel booked. 

The students themselves must book their own transportation to Brussels, as soon as possible. 
Arrival must be scheduled on Sunday 20 October at anytime (activities will only start on Monday 21 October morning, no activity scheduled on Sunday). 
Departure should be scheduled on Friday 25 October afternoon/evening (activities will end around 13h, Brussels National Airport called Zaventem is at one-hour-distance by public transport, 15-minutes ride by taxi). 

Your laptop, a culinary specialty from your country (for international aperitif), and your curiosity 

Av. Konrad Adenauer 3, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert on Monday 21 October 2025 morning. 
Reminder: there is no activity organized on Sunday 20 October evening. 

You will receive on Monday morning a welcome bag with some surprises, among which some tickets to be used in Brussels public transport (metro, tram, bus STIB). Nevertheless, please note that you will have to pay the ticket to get to our campus from your hostel on Monday morning. 

Information will be provided during the online session organized before the start of the physical week in Brussels (do not miss it !). 

Yes! Whether you are Belgian or not! The purpose of an international week is to develop international relationships with other participants. Online sessions are also mandatory.